So I went to school today which greeted me with good news.I got the
highest mark in English which nearly made my heart jump out.I'm really happy and super excited right now.Although,I'm always excited but still.There was also a mini trip to Chung Hwa Middle School for an art exhibition made by artistic people from different countries offered by our English teacher this morning and of course,I participated to join.Some of my classmates joined too and one of them is my fellow blogger + friend
Fatin.Check out her blog and show her some love.Trust me,she'll be happy.
So where was I? Oh right,the exhibition.So we assembled in the foyer and we waited for the bus to arrive.I sat with my best-friend
Syazwani and we cam-modeled during the ride just to kill time.Eventually we arrived and the weather was really sunny and we saw cute little kindergarten students wearing their school uniform which was super cute because the little girls wear
pink and the little boys wear
blue.And they were holding hands and looking out for one another while bringing their stuff.One of them was even bringing floats and we assumed that the school has a swimming pools which is in our view,like super cool! We just assumed though.But if we were correct then that would be awesome! Fortunately,I brought my hand-phone along for picture taking so this post won't be pictureless.
We arrived at the hall and saw Chinese calligraphy made by people from different races which comes from different countries! We saw one made from Malaysia,Brunei & Philippines.We couldn't understand it so Mrs.Chin interpreted it for us.After a while,one of the calligraphers arrived and he started doing calligraphy,holding the brush correctly and dipping it into the special ink that was provided.When he was done,our teacher told us what it meant which I now forgot -.- Anyway it's supposed to be motivational so he gave it to my teacher.And then,another calligrapher arrived and started doing calligraphy of my teacher's name.And he made one for each student.For
Free! I love mine although I couldn't tell if I was holding it upside down or something.Anyways,from what I learned,the calligraphy paper was quite expensive but the special ink was cheap.The items were bought from outside.So after we got all our calligraphy done,the photographers took pictures of us.
Speaking of pictures,here are the shots I took:
1.I only took one shot of myself at the exhibition because I was shy and felt uncomfortable taking pictures of myself around others. |
2.Syazwani :) a.k.a annoying orange |
3.The calligraphy made in the Philippines. |
4.The special ink used in Chinese calligraphy which is also smelly. |
5.My English teacher attempting to do a calligraphy. |
6.The finished calligraphy. |
7.The paper used in calligraphy. |
8.One of the calligraphers and my teacher interpreting. |
9.Interesting. |
10.Dipping the brush in the special ink. |
11.The calligrapher who transformed our name in Chinese calligraphy for free :D |
12.The students and photographer Syukri :) |
13.Suraya. |
14.Schoolmates and fellow blogger Fatin. |
15.Another shot of the smelly calligraphy ink. |
16.One of the calligraphy. |
17.The hall. |
Alright,before I end this post,I just wanna let you see something very interesting which caught my eye.
18.Do you? :) |
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