Seriously? It's not my fault that when I made that blog post,you felt that it was aimed at you :)) I just made that blog post for fun and you were the one who felt and thought that it was for you.It's your problem.I didn't say any names in that blog post.You are the one who's making this up.
Does my blog posts affect you? Does it make you feel irritated,annoyed or mad? Then it's not my fault.You have a problem with yourself.
You blogged this:
And lastly , a hater would make a post about this post :
ahh ,my hater who thinks i hate her is making a post telling me how hard am i trying to hate her. do i look like so? LOL isn't she the one who's trying so hard to tell me how much she hates me? stupid. lol she even called me an @$$hole (actually I called her a bxtch but i would tell you guys about this because this will makes you think i'm the bad person when i actually am -truth ) she's like.. urghh
A hater would make a post about your post? But you also made a post about my posts several times.So that makes you a hater too ;).Hahaha! :)).You're eating your words =)).
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