Welcome to my berry awesome blog where I continuously blog about random stuff which I like,dislike,love & hate.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

that scary moment when.....

I forgot the password to my main e-mail account :-SS My heart paused for a moment.I was signing up for an account in this website and of course,like any other website,they needed e-mail confirmation.So I opened Yahoo!  and entered my username.Then I paused.I stared into the password box.That was when my heart paused as I realized I had forgotten what my password was.That was a really scary & nerve-wrecking moment for me.I was momentarily frozen.

I mean,that e-mail account of mine was very very important.I cannot even emphasize how important it is to me.It contains confidential information about my blog and other important stuff.If I lost that e-mail account of mine,that would mean losing access to my blog! the horror! [-o<

losing e-mail account=losing access to my blog *sighs*

whew! but thank God I managed to restore my account.I had set up identification questions in my account in case I forgot my password (which I did :P).So yeah...thank God it's restored & safe again ;;)

has this ever happened to any of you? :-?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I'M #1 IN CLASS! ^O^

Hey guys!! /hihi

I have some great news! :D *excited* hahaha :)) 

Soooooooo on Wednesday,we got our exam results back & our position in class and..................................

I GOT NO.1 B-)

Serious! ;;)

I know! I can't believe it myself either! :P HAHAHA =)) mahn I'm soooooooooo HAPPY! <:-P But.....................as much as I'd like to take all the credit for myself...I can't.I couldn't have done any of these without God's guidance,love & help :* I also want to thank my family for inspiring & encouraging me :) The same goes to my classmates.We all help one another in class so I give you all thanks too ;) Heck,I wouldn't even have studied & revised if it weren't for my family & God.It was all worth it in the end :')

I'm gonna do my best in the next exam and maintain my position on top! :D The funny thing is,I didn't study in advance for my exam! I didn't even revise like 1 or 2 weeks before the actual exam because I am that lazy :))

So when exactly did I study?

The night before the actual exam.They say you can't remember all the things you learned if you studied the night before but I guess..........it works for me ;) Or maybe it was just an adrenaline rush idk :)) I'm serious! My teacher said even the geniuses don't study the night before because the next morning,they'll eventually forget what they learnt anyway.Maybe I'm a super genius? :P lol I didn't just memorize what I learned...I made sure I understand it too.Understanding is the most important thing.That way,when you forget the exact answer but you understood it,you can just make your own sentence that is relevant or has a close meaning to the exact answer :-b

There! Hope that helps :) Just wanted to share my happiness with you guys ;;)

God bless! :x
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