Welcome to my berry awesome blog where I continuously blog about random stuff which I like,dislike,love & hate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Tuesday! :D

Hi guys! :D

Y'all had a great day? :)

Okay,here's what happened today:

Woke up early to prepare for school and got there on time (I think :P).Had an all-class assembly and the principal talked about something for a really loooooooooong time "-__-.And worse,a sudden stomach-ache came and it really really hurts! :(.Seriously.It hurts so much I felt like shouting and screaming during the assembly.But of course,I didn't :P.Gosh,that would make me look so horribly stupid in front of the whole school O.O.And not to mention,what a scene it would make.But honestly,it hurts even more to hold it back *watery-eyes*.So therefore,I endured the pain the whole time the principal was talking.Phew! Thank God I survived!

After assembly,went back to class.First period is Geography.Teacher came as usual and taught us about map reading.But when my teacher started teaching,the stomach-ache came again and it really hurts! Like really really.I'm can't even describe how painful it is ohmygosh T__T.


Anyways,I excused myself to go to the toilet and I was speed-walking.Honestly yes.I needed to go to the toilet pronto! *grits teeth*.Once I reached the toilet,I felt sooooooooooo relieved! whew! Troll stomach-ache was gone once and for all........or is it? ;)

So after Geography we had English :D *jumps with joy*.But then our teacher gave us a surprise test and guess what?

I GOT THE HIGHEST ON OUR ENGLISH TEST! :D :D :D 19/20 #closeenough.jpg :))

Hahaha :)) Oh well lol.After English was break and nothing interesting happened.After break was Mathematics.My weakest link lol :)).But it happened again -__________-.Whaat?


I felt it coming so just before break ended,I ran to the toilet.When I was done,I asked a girl in the toilet what time it was and I was like: "I'm 10 minutes late!!" :O :O :O So I ran and slowly I stopped on the open door of my classroom.Our teacher was there /shock.Of course,I was calm ;).I knocked on the door,smiled at him and greeted him with full sincere and confidence.

Sir:where have you been?
Me:stomach-ache sir.I went to the toilet.

HONESTY LEVEL:STOMACH ACHE :)) My best-friends discreetly smiled at me and I smiled back :D.I sat down and the teacher was like:

Sir:are you sure you have a stomach-ache?
Me:yes sir
Sir:really? I don't think so
Sir:you're smiling and you seem so cheerful.I don't think people with stomach-ache seem happy.this time I believe you alright.but if I catch you lying............(continues to talk silently)

You get the picture.After Mathematics was IRK and then I went home.Thank God troll stomach-ache is gone and I'm no longer suffering from horrible stomach pains now :D *big satisfactory grin*.

Thanks for reading guys! :D

Stay tuned for more blog posts :)

-Andreaa <3

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