Welcome to my berry awesome blog where I continuously blog about random stuff which I like,dislike,love & hate.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

June updates,my explanation + chicken dance! =D

Omggggg hey guys!! /hihi sooooooo it's been a long time.like a really looonggggggggg timeeeeeeeee *sighs*.I'm really sorry for abandoning this blog and leaving you guys with no updates whatsoever *sighs sighs sighs* :( 

Yes,I have to admit I was lazy.But the other reason is that I haven't been getting much inspiration lately and had no idea what to write for a new blog entry.

Third reason is that...ermm...I uhmm...*ahem*....ashamed to admit that I usually just waste my time lazing around in 9gag and stalking people =)).I can't help it! I mean...I :x memes and I enjoy reading them tremendously.Such a fancy word but whatever lol :)).9gag yuuu RAWK!! \m/ don't worry I :x you too my dear blogspot ;)

Okay so I guess that's my explanation :P So I owe you guys big time for not blogging for a really long time.Again,I apologize.I blame it on 9gag...lol jk :)).

Alright enough of the really long intro and let's move on to the updates and the stuff that I've been doing and has kept me busy for a couple of weeks:

*note:some parts in this story may not be accurate or isn't arranged accordingly so I apologize for that too ;;)

Okay so on Monday...me,Amal & Vanessa stayed back in school for the "We Care" English program.I bought my lunch in the canteen and then I headed back to the classroom where Amal & Vanessa are listening to their favorite k-pop songs and already warming up for their crazy dance choreography.So I just sat there and ate my lunch (it was yummy btw :P) while the girls got crazy with their dance lol :)) I tell you,it was like their concert or something hahaha.And then after that,I joined them but since I didn't know the choreography....I free-styled and did the chicken dance =)).Amal literally went LMFAO :)) 

Her expression (or close :P):

Vanessa just stared at me and I think I know what she was thinking....."crazy girl..." lol! :)) That's right! nobody can chicken dance like me *bragging* :P.My chicken dance is undeniably hilarious....trust me ;).After that we went to meet Sir Wong Chiu (our English teacher) for the program but.............................unfortunately........we're too late :( We had so much fun dancing & laughing our ass off that we lost track of the time.So we went to the foyer to do our Maths homework and then after a while,I went back to class to get some of my belonging and when I returned to the foyer......Sir Wong Chiu was there.

I was like:
I loveeeeeeeeeee Wizard of Oz! :D Dorothy youuuu rock!! \m/

Such a good teacher :') gosh I'm so touched :3 So he checked our work and he upgraded me to much harder questions.I got everything perfect lol :)) I'm proud of myself :) After that we went back home.

That's all..............or at least that's all I can remember :P

I :x you all! Please keep supporting me by checking my blog out for daily updates :)

Thanks everyone! :D


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