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Saturday, July 28, 2012

✧ Twilight ✧

The first Twilight movie I ever saw was Eclipse.I remember 2 of my friends taking me to the cinema to watch the movie because back then,I didn't have a clue on what Twilight was.:)).But what I do know is that a lot of people actually watch it and it's pretty popular.So I went with my friends to watch Eclipse.

To tell you the truth I kinda felt awkward and giddy whenever Bella & Edward kisses because I was like,only 12 or 13 at that time? I shudder every time they get romantic lol :)) But now I fully understand what Twilight is about.Obviously it's about vampires and a mortal girl falling in love with the sexiest vampire ever which is Edward.Edward is an extremely good-looking vampire.I actually love all of them.Even Carlisle is handsome! :))

Also,I didn't know that there were books about the Twilight Saga.Like 4 big-ass books.The books are incredibly thick.Like super thick.People who are determined or has a lot of free time on their hands wouldn't have a hard time finishing reading even one book.Even so,the book is really really thick.So I guess you can only finish reading it if you're a serious bookworm like me ;) or my friend Vanessa.

So when Vanessa brought her Twilight book to class I was like "omg omg omg"......................nonstop.I hadn't been able to read even one book of Twilight because I can't afford to buy it.That's what I get for being a foolish spender.Anyways,Vanessa lent me her Breaking Dawn book after I kept asking her repeatedly if I could read her Twilight book.She saw how obsessed I was and she lent it to me.Thank you Vanessa! :D

Anyways,I'm almost finished reading the book.Took me around 2-3 days? Serious.It was a good read.Great stuff.It's helpful if you wanna learn more English words.

I also asked Vanessa to make a fanfic for me & Edward :P She said yes of course.I asked her to make a fanfic for me when she asked me to check for grammar mistakes in the fanfics she wrote for our friends.

So yeah,I can't wait to read the fanfic about me & Edward :P


I love all of the Twilight Cast.Alice,Jasper,Rosalie,Emmett,Carlisle,Esme,Charlie,Bella,Jacob,Renesmee and everyone else ;) And oh,I love you too Seth! ;) :x :x :x

As I end this,here's a Twilight gif for your eyes to feast upon...haha jk! :))

Awwwwwwwwww this is soooooooo sweet! :') I want a boyfriend just like Edward Cullen :P HAHA
Goodnight everyone!  Have a pleasant dream :)

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