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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2 subjects knocked out! :D

Yesterday was alright.History & MIB papers knocked out in a day! yay!!!~ I studied hard for History but MIB err..... well,it's not really one of my favorite subjects and I don't hate it either.It's what I call *ahem* unimportant :3 Sorry to say that but its true.It's really NOT an international subject that every student needs to learn but still,I wouldn't wanna fail it.I'm being a bimbo again :| *sighs* 

The History paper was not what I expected.I mean,I expected it to be hard and I'm not saying that it was easy.It was average.Just like PSR last 2 years ago :P So I answered the paper with confidence because like I said,I studied :D I was actually pretty happy when I saw the questions and I got that feeling I usually have when I know the answer to a particular question and I get hyper and stuff so yeah,I had fun answering the paper ^^ And besides,I prayed O:D And I have faith in him <3

Unfortunately, during MIB,I experienced a terrible headache and I have no idea why the headache only hit me during that time and not during History.Oh well,it decided to torture me anyways :P And so,I started feeling sleepy and not in the mood to answer the questions but I did my best anyways :D It's worth it!

Geography paper is up on Thursday!

Oh,and just in case you're wondering why I'm blogging when I should be studying is because my exam schedule is alternative *grins* pretty cool huh? so it's normal lesson the next day and the day after that then exam again :D

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